The project of “Buccinese Digital Library” è realizzato dall’Associazione Culturale “Volcei”.

In order to achieve the ambitious goal of making ’ available all newspapers and books published in Buccino the project needs the collaboration of all those who want to make available for free the project a little’ in your free time.

work-related stressHOW TO COLLABORATE

Anyone have old newspapers buccinesi or articles and books on Buccino, a scanner (or at least one digital camera), may notify – via mail ([email protected]) or via Facebook (BNS Ammin) – such as newspapers want to insert into your project, checking before HERE they have already been digitized. Avuta l’approvazione dai responsabili (to avoid scanning periodicals now available), can scan to JPG (150 dpi) or PDF and send it via e-mail for publication on the site.

All contributors to the project will be thanked publicly through the publication on the site dell’list of their names.

For more information CONTACT US!!!