PROJECTThe project of “Buccinese Digital Library”, created and managed by,,it,created and managed by Emanuele Catone has the aim of making digitally available the newspapers and books relating to the history of Buccino,,it,created and managed by,,it,created and managed by Emanuele Catone has the aim of making digitally available the newspapers and books relating to the history of Buccino,,it,created and managed by,,it,created and managed by Emanuele Catone has the aim of making digitally available the newspapers and books relating to the history of Buccino,,it Emanuele Catone aims to make available in digital newspapers and books about the history of Buccino.

Newspapers and books, to which the project wants to give new spread thanks to digital form that allows you to transfer them to the new computer and the opportunities offered by the network, represent a heritage of buccinese culture, often little known, hard to find and easy dispersion.

A tool link with our past, more or less recent, that deserves to be preserved.



In order to achieve the ambitious goal of making available all newspapers and books published in Buccino the project needs the collaboration of all.

Try buccinesi or old newspapers articles and books concerning Buccino and place them at the disposal of the project. Will become the heritage of all!!!

… just a scanner or a camera or a smartphone,,it,and some free time,,it,to which the project wants to give new diffusion thanks to the digital form that allows to transfer them to the new IT supports and,,it,a scanner or a camera or a smartphone,,it,and some free time,,it,to which the project wants to give new diffusion thanks to the digital form that allows to transfer them to the new IT supports and,,it,a scanner or a camera or a smartphone,,it,and some free time,,it … e un po’ di tempo libero.


Se preferite, potete anche scegliere di sostenere economicamente questo progetto con una vostra libera donazione.

Il progetto prevede, infatti, molto lavoro nella ricerca e nell’elaborazione dei materiali, oltre che nel tempo dedicato alla gestione del sito.

Tutto questo però è totalmente autofinanziato e non riceve alcun finanziamento da terze parti.

Se credi che questa iniziativa sia importante per la conoscenza della storia buccinese, puoi contribuire facilmente con una donazione libera che sarà utilizzata per sostenerla.
Qualunque sia il contributo che deciderai di donare al progetto “Buccino nella storia”, ti ringrazio sinceramente!

Emanuele Catone


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The works published on the site are distributed under license 
Creative Commons Attribution - Non-commercial use - Share alike 3.0 Italy. For more information go to Disclaimer