W. Johannowsky – Gravestone from Buccino with "Scythian" arrowhead

W. Johannowsky, Gravestone from Buccino with "Scythian" arrowhead, in «Oriental University Institute. Annals of Archeology and Ancient History », VII (1985), pp. 115-123, figg. 29-36.

The sage analyzes the materials found in the tomb 207, excavated in the Buccinese necropolis of S. Stefano.

Werner Johannowsky he was Superintendent for the Archaeological Heritage of Salerno-Avellino and Benevento between 1976 and the 1986. He was the promoter, between 1981 and the 1986), of the systematic studies undertaken by the Superintendency in Buccino during the post-earthquake reconstruction. His research, then continue to Giuliana Tocco and Adele Lagi, should be considered as a premise for the establishment of the Urban Archaeological Park of ancient Volcei.